Leaving On A Jet Plane…
…don’t know when I’ll be back again.
Actually I do know that…I just don’t know any details. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
A friend suggested that I should start posting again, especially since I’m going back to Africa in October. I’m not sure what these postings will be like or even what they will be about, maybe a little of everything. So stay tuned to the website for posts and even more.
The person who keeps up my site has added a few new things, the biggest is audio recordings of some of the homilies that I’ve done recently. Most of them are around 10 to 12 minutes in length and you can listen to them online or download them. If you listen to the most recent ones, you can hear about what I’ve been learning from Christ lately, which is mainly about walking daily by faith and finding Him to always be sufficient in all things.
Sorry it’s been so long since I posted any kind of an update. I’ve mostly been in Alabama serving at the cathedral in Selma or preaching some in Alabama churches. I did make a trip to Tanzania in 2017 but didn’t manage to write anything down. I hope to write more this time around.
As for my upcoming trip to Uganda, I don’t know many details but here is what I do know:
- I leave on October 2nd and come back November 21st.
- As before, I’ll be living with the people that I’m going to be helping and ministering with them in their local churches.
- I plan to visit Kampala, Hoima, Masindi and Mbala. Emphasis on “plan”. Once I get there, there is no telling where God will send me.
As always, I ask for your prayers.
Fr Ron
One thought on “Leaving On A Jet Plane…”
Be sure to pack a fishing rod.