An Introduction Ceremony
On Saturday (08/03/2013) we went to an introduction. It was fun but, as I’m coming to expect in Africa, LONG. An introduction is just an engagement party but really fancy. It’s basically just like a wedding. The bishop dressed me up in a formal African robe and said that now I looked sharp. Okkkkkk. Needless to say I was the only white guy dressed like an African. As a matter of fact, not only was I the only white guy dressed like an African, I was the only white guy period!! I did make an impression. I got a lot of looks – some good, some I’m not so sure of.

At the introduction is where the couple give each other their engagement rings. Some how I got asked to pray over the rings and for God’s blessing of the rings. Worst prayer for rings ever I’m sure but only about 3 people could under stand my English so everyone seemed happy.
Yes, every day in Africa can become an adventure!!!!